
Comprehensive Exams

Comprehensive Exams


Eye Health and Vision Exams

The health of your eyes is important both to your quality of life and as an indicator of your overall health. Every comprehensive vision exam at Dunbar Eye Associates includes both a vision refraction and an eye health exam. We use state-of-the-art technology to screen for conditions that could threaten healthy vision, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and systematic health issues that can be detected in the eye.

Every eye is unique, and we take the time to thoroughly examine your retina and note its unique features so that we can compare changes over time. We work with ophthalmologists in the valley to co-manage disease and surgical correction as necessary.


Retinal Imaging

We are proud to offer our patients Optos (also known as optomap) ultra-wide field retinal imaging. Images taken with this state-of-the-art equipment become a permanent part of your patient record and help us better monitor changes to the eye over time. The Optos is the latest in eye care technology and is the recommended method for retinal screening by our doctors.

  • Testing is fast, easy, and comfortable

  • Provides a more complete view of the retina (back of the eye) than has previously been possible

  • Provides a digital record of your retina which becomes part of your permanent file

  • Allows us to educate you more fully about your eye health

  • Enables us to better monitor your eye health annually

  • Continues our commitment to offer all of our patients the highest standard of care available.